Short: Assembler includes for THOR 2.4Author: (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)Uploader: (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)Version: 1.0Type: comm/thorRequires: Thor 2.4+$VER: ThorAPI_ASM 1.0 (17.3.97)Here is the assembler includes for Thor's BBSRead.library.They are not confirmly tested so they are considered as beta versions.I have no chance to check if every function descriptions and offsets arecorrect so I find the only way to release them as beta.If you should find typos, errors etc. please e-mail me with the changesor pointers to where and what I should change.After translating the two files, removing 5 KB of whitespace andre-aligned the bad TAB settings (shame on you Nordseth ;) they seem towork fine (no errors when compiling with PhxAss 4.35).However there have been a couple of lines that I didn't know how totranslate. They where:MsgHazeLevel(msgflags) ((msgflags & (MDF_HAZE_BIT0 | MDF_HAZE_BIT1)) >> 24) ^^^^^^^^^^KillHazeLevel(killflags) ((killflags & (KDF_MARK_HAZE_BIT0 | KDF_MARK_HAZE_BIT1)) >> 24) ^^^^^^^^^^^If you know how-to please mail me. Also a couple of structures that whererefering to it's self size_of label couln't be translated just like that.For example: structure xx,0 struct st_nextlink,st_sizeof label st_sizeofI have translated these as structure xx,0 aptr st_nextlink label st_sizeofinstead. Hopefully that is correct.Regards,--- #*Kenny*# ''"\./"`` Developer/GM Digital Surface (opinions by me are my own!)---